Eugen Ittermann

Eugen /Ittermann/
Gemeinsame Notiz

Eugen who spells his name Itermann, born in Kirgistan, entered Germany in
Eugen who spells his name Itermann, born in Kirgistan, entered Germany in1990. In July 2000 he was looking for ancestors and found an e-mailaddress for David Obee on a website in Odessa, Ukraine. David is a friend living in Victoria, who is activly
involved in reasearch for Baptists.Eugen sent him an e-mail, and David got in touch with me. The rest ishistory. Eugen is a descendant of August Ittermann, my uncle, who wasmarried to Ottilie, geboren Ott. Eugen lives in Luebbecke, Germany and is attending
school. He has provided much information about his branch ofthe family with some photographs sent over the internet.

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